mirror of https://github.com/tommytran732/Arch-Setup-Script synced 2024-09-19 15:14:43 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:13:19 -04:00

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### Introduction
This is my fork of [easy-arch](https://github.com/classy-giraffe/easy-arch), a **script** made in order to boostrap a basic **Arch Linux** environment with **snapshots** and **encryption** by using a fully automated process.
### How does it work?
1. Download an Arch Linux ISO from [here](https://archlinux.org/download/)
2. Flash the ISO onto an [USB Flash Drive](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/USB_flash_installation_medium).
3. Boot the live environment.
4. Connect to the internet.
5. `git clone https://github.com/tommytran732/Arch-Setup-Script/edit/main/README.md`
6. `cd Arch-Setup-Script`
7. `chmod u+x ./install.sh && ./install.sh`
### Changes to the original project
1. Enabled AppArmor
2. SUSE - like partition layout (I am currently trying to replicate snapper's behavior on openSUSE).
3. Default umask to 077
4. Firewalld is enabled by default
5. Improved kernel settings for better security
6. Minimally setup GNOME 40
### Partitions layout
| Partition Number | Label | Size | Mountpoint | Filesystem |
| 1 | ESP | 300 MiB | /boot/efi | FAT32 |
| 2 | cryptroot | Rest of the disk | / | Encrypted BTRFS (LUKS1)|
The **partitions layout** is pretty straightforward, it's inspired by [this section](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#Btrfs_subvolumes_with_swap) of the Arch Wiki. As you can see there's just a couple of partitions:
1. A **FAT32**, 100MiB sized, mounted at `/boot/efi` for the ESP.
2. A **LUKS encrypted container**, which takes the rest of the disk space, mounted at `/` for the rootfs.
3. /boot is **encrypted**.