#!/bin/bash #This needs to be run as a standalone VM #Also a couple of things: #RiseUp does appear to be some sort of communist/socialist/anarchist activist organization, I am not really sure. #I am not that much into politics, and I am certainly not an activist, so I don't really know or care much about any of this stuff. #In any case, I only made this script because it is one of the few VPN (oh, free one too) that has a working client on QubesOS. #Obfs4proxy support is also fancy, it may come in handy one day. #Don't take this as my recommendation to use RiseUp because I have zero clue how trustworthy they are or if you are gonna paint a #target on your back by associating with an organization promoting an ideology that your government doesn't like. sudo dnf install -y snapd qubes-snapd-helper lxpolkit sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap sudo snap install riseup-vpn --classic