mirror of https://github.com/tommytran732/Arch-Setup-Script synced 2024-11-22 01:21:34 -05:00
Tommaso Chiti c2c7902503 Env bash.
2021-02-02 12:13:37 +01:00

197 lines
6.1 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Cleaning the TTY.
# Exit on STDERR.
set -e
# Selecting the target for the installation.
echo "Select the disk where Arch Linux is going to be installed."
select ENTRY in $(lsblk -dpn -oNAME);
echo "Installing Arch Linux on $DISK."
# Deleting old partition scheme.
read -r -p "This will delete the current partition table on $DISK. Do you agree [y/N]? " response
if [[ "$response" =~ ^(yes|y)$ ]]
wipefs -af $DISK &>/dev/null
sgdisk -Zo $DISK &>/dev/null
echo "Quitting."
# Creating a new partition scheme.
echo "Creating new partition scheme on $DISK."
parted -s $DISK \
mklabel gpt \
mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 513MiB \
mkpart Cryptroot 513MiB 100% \
# Informing the Kernel of the changes.
echo "Informing the Kernel about the disk changes."
partprobe $DISK
# Formatting the ESP as FAT32.
echo "Formatting the EFI Partition as FAT32."
mkfs.fat -F 32 $ESP &>/dev/null
# Creating a LUKS Container for the root partition.
echo "Creating LUKS Container for the root partition."
cryptsetup --type luks1 luksFormat $Cryptroot
echo "Opening the newly created LUKS Container."
cryptsetup open $Cryptroot cryptroot
# Formatting the LUKS Container as BTRFS.
echo "Formatting the LUKS container as BTRFS."
mkfs.btrfs $BTRFS &>/dev/null
mount $BTRFS /mnt
# Creating BTRFS subvolumes.
echo "Creating BTRFS subvolumes."
btrfs su cr /mnt/@ &>/dev/null
btrfs su cr /mnt/@home &>/dev/null
btrfs su cr /mnt/@snapshots &>/dev/null
btrfs su cr /mnt/@var_log &>/dev/null
btrfs su cr /mnt/@swap &>/dev/null
# Mounting the newly created subvolumes.
umount /mnt
echo "Mounting the newly created subvolumes."
mount -o compress=zstd,subvol=@ $BTRFS /mnt
mkdir -p /mnt/{home,.snapshots,/var/log,swap,boot}
mount -o compress=zstd,subvol=@home $BTRFS /mnt/home
mount -o compress=zstd,subvol=@snapshots $BTRFS /mnt/.snapshots
mount -o nodatacow,subvol=@var_log $BTRFS /mnt/var/log
mount -o nodatacow,subvol=@swap $BTRFS /mnt/swap
mount $ESP /mnt/boot
# Pacstrap (setting up a base sytem onto the new root).
echo "Installing the base system (it may take a while)."
pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware btrfs-progs grub grub-btrfs efibootmgr snapper sudo neovim networkmanager &>/dev/null
# Fstab generation.
echo "Generating a new fstab."
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# Setting hostname.
read -r -p "Please enter the hostname: " hostname
echo $hostname > /mnt/etc/hostname
# Setting up locales.
read -r -p "Please insert the locale you use in this format (xx_XX): " locale
echo "$locale.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /mnt/etc/locale.gen
echo "LANG=\"$locale\".UTF-8" > /mnt/etc/locale.conf
# Setting up keyboard layout.
read -r -p "Please insert the keyboard layout you use: " kblayout
echo "KEYMAP=\$kblayout\"" > /mnt/etc/vconsole.conf
# Setting hosts file.
echo "Setting hosts file."
cat > /mnt/etc/hosts <<EOF localhost
::1 localhost $hostname.localdomain $hostname
# Configuring /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
echo "Configuring /etc/mkinitcpio for ZSTD compression, BTRFS and LUKS hook."
sed -i -e 's,BINARIES=(),BINARIES=(/usr/bin/btrfs),g' /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
sed -i -e 's,#COMPRESSION="zstd",COMPRESSION="zstd",g' /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
sed -i -e 's,modconf block filesystems keyboard,keyboard keymap modconf block encrypt filesystems,g' /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
# Enabling LUKS in GRUB and setting the UUID of the LUKS container.
UUID=$(blkid $Cryptroot | cut -f2 -d'"')
sed -i 's/#\(GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y\)/\1/' /mnt/etc/default/grub
sed -i -e "s,quiet,quiet cryptdevice=UUID=$UUID:cryptroot root=$BTRFS,g" /mnt/etc/default/grub
# Creating a swapfile.
read -r -p "Do you want a swapfile? [y/N]? " response
if [[ "$response" =~ ^(yes|y)$ ]]
read -r -p "How much big should the swap file be? Type the size, just a number (eg: 1 = 1GB..): " swap
truncate -s 0 /mnt/swap/swapfile
chattr +C /mnt/swap/swapfile
btrfs property set /mnt/swap/swapfile compression none &>/dev/null
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/swap/swapfile bs=1G count=$swap &>/dev/null
chmod 600 /mnt/swap/swapfile
mkswap /mnt/swap/swapfile &>/dev/null
swapon /mnt/swap/swapfile &>/dev/null
echo "/swap/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/etc/fstab
# Removing swap subvolumes and fstab entry in case it's not needed.
echo "Deleting BTRFS swap subvolume."
mount $BTRFS -o subvolid=5 /home
head -n -4 /home/@/etc/fstab > /home/@/etc/new_fstab && mv /home/@/etc/new_fstab /home/@/etc/fstab
btrfs su de /home/@swap &>/dev/null
umount -R /home
echo "No swapfile has been added."
# Configuring the system.
arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash -e <<"EOF"
# Setting up clock.
hwclock --systohc
# Generating locales.
echo "Generating locales."
locale-gen &>/dev/null
# Generating a new initramfs.
echo "Creating a new initramfs."
mkinitcpio -P &>/dev/null
# Snapper configuration
umount /.snapshots
rm -r /.snapshots
snapper --no-dbus -c root create-config /
btrfs subvolume delete /.snapshots &>/dev/null
mkdir /.snapshots
mount -a
chmod 750 /.snapshots
# Installing GRUB.
echo "Installing GRUB on /boot."
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB &>/dev/null
# Creating grub config file.
echo "Creating GRUB config file."
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg &>/dev/null
# Setting root password.
echo "Setting root password."
arch-chroot /mnt /bin/passwd
# Enabling auto-trimming.
echo "Enabling auto-trimming."
systemctl enable fstrim.timer --root=/mnt &>/dev/null
# Enabling NetworkManager.
echo "Enabling NetworkManager."
systemctl enable NetworkManager --root=/mnt &>/dev/null
# Enabling Snapper.
echo "Enabling Snapper."
systemctl enable snapper-timeline.timer --root=/mnt &>/dev/null
systemctl enable snapper-cleanup.timer --root=/mnt &>/dev/null
# Unmounting partitions.
echo "Unmounting /mnt."
umount -R /mnt
echo "Done, you may now wish to reboot."