### Introduction This is my fork of [easy-arch](https://github.com/classy-giraffe/easy-arch), a **script** made in order to boostrap a basic **Arch Linux** environment with **snapshots** and **encryption** by using a fully automated process. ### How does it work? 1. Download an Arch Linux ISO from [here](https://archlinux.org/download/) 2. Flash the ISO onto an [USB Flash Drive](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/USB_flash_installation_medium). 3. Boot the live environment. 4. Connect to the internet. 5. `git clone https://github.com/tommytran732/Arch-Setup-Script/edit/main/README.md` 6. `cd Arch-Setup-Script` 7. `chmod u+x ./install.sh && ./install.sh` ### Changes to the original project 1. Enabled AppArmor 2. SUSE - like partition layout 3. Default umask to 077 4. Firewalld is enabled by default 5. Improved kernel settings for better security 6. Minimally setup GNOME 40 ### Partitions layout | Partition Number | Label | Size | Mountpoint | Filesystem | |------------------|-----------|-------------------|------------|------------------------| | 1 | ESP | 300 MiB | /boot/efi | FAT32 | | 2 | cryptroot | Rest of the disk | / | Encrypted BTRFS (LUKS1)| The **partitions layout** is pretty straightforward, it's inspired by [this section](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#Btrfs_subvolumes_with_swap) of the Arch Wiki. As you can see there's just a couple of partitions: 1. A **FAT32**, 512MiB sized, mounted at `/boot/efi` for the ESP. 2. A **LUKS encrypted container**, which takes the rest of the disk space, mounted at `/` for the rootfs. 3. /boot is **encrypted**.