--- title: "Using Mullvad VPN on Qubes OS" date: 2022-09-03 tags: ['Applications', 'Qubes OS', 'Privacy'] author: Tommy --- ![Mullvad VPN](/images/mullvad-vpn.png) Mullvad is a fairly popular and generally trustworthy VPN provider. In this post, I will walk you through how to use the official Mullvad client in a ProxyVM on Qubes OS. This method is a lot more convenient than the [official guide](https://mullvad.net/en/help/qubes-os-4-and-mullvad-vpn/) from Mullvad (which recommends that you manually load in OpenVPN or Wireguard profiles) and will let you seamlessly switch between different location and network setups just as you would on a normal Linux installation. ## Preparing your TemplateVM I recommend that you make a new TemplateVM based on latest Fedora GNOME template and remove all unnecessary packages that you might not use. This way, you can minimize the attack surface while not having to deal with missing dependencies like on a minimal template. With that being said, if you do manage to get the minimal template to fully work with Mullvad, feel free to [open a discussion on GitHub](https://github.com/orgs/PrivSec-dev/discussions) or [contact me directly](https://tommytran.io/contact) and I will update the post accordingly. I run [this script](https://github.com/TommyTran732/QubesOS-Scripts/blob/main/fedora-gnome/fedora-gnome.sh) on my template to trim it down. Next, you need to create the bind directories for Mullvad's configurations: ```bash sudo mkdir -p /etc/qubes-bind-dirs.d echo 'binds+=( '\'''/etc/mullvad-vpn''\'' )' | sudo tee /etc/qubes-bind-dirs.d/50_user.conf ``` ## Installing the Mullvad App Inside of the TemplateVM you have just created, do the following: ```bash sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://repository.mullvad.net/rpm/stable/mullvad.repo sudo dnf install -y mullvad-vpn ``` To workaround [issue 3803](https://github.com/mullvad/mullvadvpn-app/issues/3803), we will using systemd path to run `/usr/lib/qubes/qubes-setup-dnat-to-ns` every time Mullvad modifies `/etc/resolv.conf`. Create the following files: - `/etc/systemd/system/dnat-to-ns.service` ``` [Unit] Description=Run /usr/lib/qubes/qubes-setup-dnat-to-ns [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/lib/qubes/qubes-setup-dnat-to-ns ``` - `/etc/systemd/system/dnat-to-ns.path` ``` [Unit] Description=Run /usr/lib/qubes/qubes-setup-dnat-to-ns when /etc/resolv.conf changes [Path] PathChanged=/etc/resolv.conf Unit=dnat-to-ns.service [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` Next, enable the systemd path: ```bash sudo systemctl enable --now dnat-to-ns.path ``` Finally, shutdown the TemplateVM: ```bash sudo shutdown now ``` ## Creating the ProxyVM Create an AppVM based on the TemplateVM you have just created. Set `sys-firewall` (or whatever FirewallVM you have connected to your `sys-net`) as the net qube. If you do not have such FirewallVM, use `sys-net` as the net qube. Next, go to the advanced tab and tick the `provides network access to other qubes` box. ![Provides Network](/images/provides-network.png) ## Notes With this current setup, the ProxyVM you have just created will be responsible for handling Firewall rules for the qubes behind it. This is not ideal, as this is still a fairly large VM, and there is a risk that Mullvad or some other apps may interfere with its firewall handling. Instead, I highly recommend that you [create a minimal Mirage FirewallVM](/posts/qubes/firewalling-with-mirageos-on-qubes-os/) and use it as a firewall **behind** the Mullvad ProxyVM. Other AppVMs then should use the Mirage Firewall as the net qube instead. This way, you can make sure that firewall rules are properly enforced. ![MirageOS](/images/mirageos.png)